
Velkommen til bloggen vår. Her deler vi vår fagkunnskap og våre erfaringer rundt netthandelsløsninger. Vi blogger om handel, tech, trender, strategi, marketing, UX, nyheter og en masse annet. Slå deg løs!

Integrating Grunt into ASP.NET projects

Grunt is an awesome JavaScript task runner. It enables you to automate various tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, etc. If you like automation and want to implement it into your ASP.NET projects, this tutorial will show you how to achieve just that.

Dzulqarnain Nasir


A short introduction to the Meteor framework.

Geta Tags 1.0.0 released

New version of Geta Tags now has full tagging functionality like in the previous version for EPiServer 6. Latest version is found on EPiServer's NuGet feed.

Maris Krivtezs

Erfaringer fra første måned med nye nettsider

Den 3. februar lanserte Geta sin nye nettside, og her er noen erfaringer og tanker vi har gjort oss siden den gang. Selv for et selskap som til daglig driver med nettløsninger, er det ikke alltid like lett! Noen ville kanskje gå så langt som å kalle de nye nettsidene en fiasko?


På pølsefesten 28.februar inviterte vi i Geta Eirik V. Johnsen i KOBRA for å gi en oppdatering i bruk av kundereisen som et verktøy i strategiarbeide.

One page type, 2 sites, 2 controllers and 2 views in EPiServer 7.5

A while ago we developed an enterprise solution for a customer containing two EPiServer sites. We wanted to be able to share page types and blocks between the sites but in many cases have a separate MVC controller and view. This was the solution I came up with.

Mattias Olsson

Geta Tags for EPiServer 7.5 released

We just released version of Geta Tags which supports EPiServer 7.5. Latest version (0.9.8) is found on EPiServer NuGet feed.

Maris Krivtezs

Issue in Geta.SEO.Sitemaps fixed

Today I fixed an issue in our open source plugin for EPiServer 7.5, Geta.SEO.Sitemaps, a tool to generate Google XML sitemaps. The issue occurred when you had one site mapped to multiple hosts with different language branches. Only the sitemap for the main SiteUrl worked (although displaying links to all language branches which is not desired) and the other hosts resulted in a 404.

Mattias Olsson