404 handler for CMS 11 is out

Maris Krivtezs 2017-12-18 07:45:30

Release Notes

- Added CMS 11 support.
- Dropped CMS 8 and CMS 9 support as it became too complicated to maintain those.
- Fix for the concurrency error #21.
- Removed upgrade of the database for the legacy custom redirects.


You can install the new package from the Package Manager Console using Episerver NuGet Feed.

For CMS 10:

Install-Package BVN.404Handler -Version 10.2.0

For CMS 11:

Install-Package BVN.404Handler -Version 11.0.0

Documentation and source code

Source code and documentation available on GitHub.
You can report issues on GitHub.

Kontakta oss

Christian Öman

Christian Öman

Sales Executive

Charlotte Tyldhed

Charlotte Tyldhed

CEO Geta Digital Sverige