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A major facelift for the Geta Klarna Checkout module

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • E-commerce

This blog post is part one of several blog posts describing new features added to Geta's Klarna checkout module. The module is a library which helps to integrate Klarna Checkout as one of the payment options in your EPiServer Commerce site.

Mari Jørgensen

Quick tip: clean up your log file

  • Development

  • Optimizely

Is your Episerver log file full of warning messages related to deprecated property types? I prefer keeping my log file clean - in this short blog post I will show you how these messages easily can be removed.

Mari Jørgensen

Taking control of block rendering in XhtmlString properties

  • Development

  • Optimizely

In this blog post I'll show you a couple of examples of how to customize the rendering of blocks inside XhtmlString properties.

Mattias Olsson

Providing fallback/replacement languages in EPiServer Commerce

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • E-commerce

Sometimes the 1 to 1 language mappings of Commerce just isn't enough. There are times when you have to go beyond that, especially if you run a site that has a lot of them.

Sven-Erik Jonsson

Adjusting widget validation in EPiServer 7.19

  • Development

  • Optimizely

Recently we got stuck, unable to upgrade a solution due to external dependencies. We where then forced to deal with some of the already fixed quirks in EPiServer. One of these is the 7.19 use of dojo 1.8.9, which contains a validation bug for urls.

Sven-Erik Jonsson

Ascend'15 - Episerver Find - Advanced Developer Session

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • Navigation

In the start of November I was fortunate enough to attend the EPiServer Ascend conference which was held in Las Vegas.

Mari Jørgensen

Let the editor choose a rendering template for content in EPiServer

  • Development

  • Optimizely

For some content types you might want to have several rendering templates, and perhaps also different logic. This blog post shows how to create two render templates for a page type together with an editor descriptor to let the editor choose one of them when creating and editing a page.

Mattias Olsson

Controlling content type and property availability in multi site solutions

  • Development

  • Optimizely

I'm currently in a multi site EPiServer project where a lot of things needs to be configured per site. Some content types, properties etc should only be available for certain sites. Luckily EPiServer is quite extensible which makes it pretty easy to accomplish this.

Mattias Olsson