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New Performance Reviews
Performance Reviews are rarely a consistent positive experience and as the physical work locations and team structures are becoming more flexible, it might be worth testing out something new.
De fem viktigste sikkerhetsrådene
Hvis du ikke sikrer nettbutikken din med SSL-sertifikat, risikerer du å bli straffet på synligheten din i Google. Her er rådene du må følge hvis du skal lykkes med netthandel.
Granular data retention controls (Google Analytics)
In this post, I'll be addressing Googles new functionality: [granular] data retention controls. We'll look at what this means for you, in terms of what actions you should take in regards to the change, what data you're collecting and how you're using it and what this has to do with GDPR.
Bugfixes in 404 handler
In the last months, we have made several improvements in the 404 handler.
Setting up SQL server on Docker in Mac OS
In this post I would like to tell about a brief insight of benefits what Docker can provide to you as a .NET stack developer working with SQL Server. Maybe the main focus and excitement this time will be about the new opportunities in local development on Mac OS, nevertheless the good things what Docker can bring to you are more than just that.
Buddy Recruitment Program
Hiring friends has been a topic that has been discussed a lot, and not everyone's positive to the idea. We've chosen to see for ourselves what it could bring us in the long run.
New version of 404 handler
We just released a new version of 404 handler which includes several bug fixes. This release also includes refactoring of routing and we added unit tests for the main functionality.
Extending Episerver On Page Editing view
In this blog post I'll show you one way of extending Episerver's On Page Editing view, by automatically setting image caption and alt text properties on a page based on the image content that the editor selects.