New version of 404 handler

Maris Krivtezs 14.02.2018 10:28:43

Bug fixes

- Fixed redirect loop when 404 handler has redirects which redirect to another not found page #46.
- Fixed culture-specific URLs to fail when has similar URL in English #38.
- Removed Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform package dependency as some users were not able to deploy it to the shared environments #66.

For more information see CHANGELOG.


You can install the new package from the Package Manager Console using Episerver NuGet Feed.

For CMS 10:

Install-Package BVN.404Handler -Version 10.3.0

For CMS 11:

Install-Package BVN.404Handler -Version 11.1.0

Documentation and source code

Source code and documentation available on GitHub.
You can report issues on GitHub.

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Christian Dommarsnes

Christian Dommarsnes

Sales Manager