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Simple URL keeper for EPiServer

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • SEO

Here's a little code sample that is useful for when you need to perform an automatic redirect after content is moved in EPiServer, to avoid getting a bunch of 404's.

Frederik Vig

Top 10 A/B tests maximise your product page performance

  • Experimentation

Adela Svajda is an ecommerce analyst at Geta with experience from Zalando and, and in this blog post she shares the top 10 A/B test you should do to increase your performance of the product page on your ecommerce site.

Adela Svajda

EPiServer Commerce route messing with block preview

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • E-commerce

Yesterday we discovered an issue with our block preview implementation in a project we are currently working on, running EPiServer Commerce version 8.2.1. The problem was that all blocks got previewed in the master language (english in our case). When we clicked a property the correct translation was loaded, but it was very confusing for the editors so we had to fix it.

Mattias Olsson

Improved CategoryList editor descriptor for EPiServer

  • Development

  • Optimizely

More than one time I have found myself in the need of a filtered category tree in EPiServer. In large sites there can be a lot of categories and sometimes you just want to force the web editors to choose from a predefined root category. What to do? Create a editor descriptor that replaces the built-in one!

Mattias Olsson

Using EPiServer's content selector widget in dojo component

  • Development

  • Optimizely

For the last couple of days I have been working with a custom dojo component that plugs into the assets panel. I needed a way to select a page from the content tree and had no idea how to do it so I started to dig around in the large and deep structure of ClientResources in the EPiServer.CMS.UI package and voilà, I found the epi-cms/widget/ContentSelector. Let's use it!

Mattias Olsson

Font Awesome auto complete editor for EPiServer

  • Development

  • Optimizely

A couple of days ago I read a blog post about a Font Awesome selection editor for EPiServer. It inspired me because I'm currently in a project where we need basically the same thing with two exceptions: 1. I want the editors to be able to search for icons since the list is quite heavy with more than 500 icons to browse through. 2. I don't want to have a XML file with all the icons, I just want to get them from the stylesheet by parsing it with javascript.

Mattias Olsson

Full support for Asp.Net Mvc areas in EPiServer 7.5

  • Development

  • Optimizely

This is a blog post about how to add Asp.Net Mvc areas back in town and add full support in EPiServer v7.5. I’ll not spend time to explain what Mvc area is, most probably if you are reading this, you already are looking for a way to add it or adjust it to your needs in your EPiServer project.

Valdis Iljuconoks

Modern Episerver Development

  • Development

  • Optimizely

I get a lot of questions from new and experienced developers alike asking how it is working with Episerver these days. They have maybe heard some rumors from people working with Episerver before or they have stumbled across an Episerver project in the past. The main thing is that there´s a lot of confusion out there about what we as Episerver developers do everyday.

Frederik Vig