
Velkommen til bloggen vår. Her deler vi vår fagkunnskap og våre erfaringer rundt netthandelsløsninger. Vi blogger om handel, tech, trender, strategi, marketing, UX, nyheter og en masse annet. Slå deg løs!


I have been working in the online business for five years and my experience is that it is a process that takes time and a lot of hard work. People sometimes see retail as a much more demanding business than online, but there are similarities.

Do a marketing plan, or fail!

Benjamin Franklin said: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. So, how do you create a marketing plan for your online business?

3 new years resolutions for your ecommerce site in 2017

It is time to start a new and exciting e-commerce year, and hopefully break some records. After a hectic holiday season, why not start the year by doing some technical tiding up? Here are three technical new years resolutions for your e-commerce site to make it more secure, slimmer and more visible.

Butikken i den digitale tidsalderen

Teknologirevolusjonen vi er inne i kobler intelligente datasystemer, fysiske omgivelser og mennesker sammen på helt nye måter. Dette skaper både nye utfordringer og nye muligheter for retailbransjen. Her er fem strategitips for retail i 2016.

Increase your e-commerce conversion rate through correct online merchandising

There are many factors in increasing your conversion rate, but one factor that doesn’t get enough attention is merchandising.

10 strategies that can help you increase sales after christmas

After the big Christmas sale, companies may be facing a time with slower sales. But it does not have to be a suffering period. The sport segment is a good example of businesses that suffer less, as many people want to get back in shape after the Christmas holidays.

Black Friday: Gjør et netthandelskupp på fredag

Førstkommende fredag er det «Black Friday» og med det store muligheter for å gjøre virkelige kupp i nettbutikkene. Fenomenet som startet i USA kom til Norge for 4-5 år siden. Prognoser fra Posten viser at omsetningen i årets «Black Friday» vil bli omtrent det dobbelte av i fjor og har innkallt ekstramannskaper.

Get your delivery strategy right

Shipping and return policies affect the conversion rate of you online store more than you think. Research show that 3 of the top 5 reasons people abandon their shopping cart is related to shipping, and it is not all about cost. 40% of customers say they abandoned the cart because the shipping and handling costs were listed to late. In this blog post I will share some best practices from our experience working with our international e-commerce clients.