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Geta in the EPiServer Inner Circle

We are happy to announce that Geta is invited to join EPiServer Inner Circle Program!

Controlling content type and property availability in multi site solutions

I'm currently in a multi site EPiServer project where a lot of things needs to be configured per site. Some content types, properties etc should only be available for certain sites. Luckily EPiServer is quite extensible which makes it pretty easy to accomplish this.

Mattias Olsson

EPiServer Instant Templates

Instant Templates is a new module for EPiServer that allows content editors to create their own re-usable templates from within EPiServer edit mode.

Frederik Vig

Geta.SEO.Sitemaps updated

A couple of weeks ago I made some updates to our open source plugin for EPiServer, Geta.SEO.Sitemaps, a tool to generate Google XML sitemaps. This blog post is sort of a changelog for these updates.

Mattias Olsson

Building an advanced search page using EPiServer Find

EPiServer Find provides a powerful and flexible tool for building innovative enterprise search solutions. Here is how I built an advanced search page using EPiServer Find with great help from the EPiServer community.

Mari Jørgensen

When Data Export Fails

I was developing a new feature in EPiServer 8.8 for one of our customers which involved creation of multiple new page types and page instances that needed to be arranged in complex hierarchy. The plan was to create content in testing environment first and later transfer it to the production environment using Export data / Import data feature. Unfortunately, it didn't go as smooth as planned.

Kaspars Ozols

Filtered display options menu based on content type in EPiServer

A thing that has bothered me for a long time with EPiServer is that you, out of the box, can't have different display options for different blocks. Based on the design for your site you might want to force one block to full width and another to half width etc. You can do this with CSS but what's bothering me is that the editor is presented with an option that doesn't make any sense. So, I decided to fix it. :)

Mattias Olsson

Content Area - Under the Hood, part III

This is last blog post in series under the hood of Content Area. In this blog post we will take a look at how and what exactly could be customizable while content area is being rendered. Where and how developer can hook in, what can be overridden and controlled.

Valdis Iljuconoks