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Filtered display options menu based on content type in EPiServer
A thing that has bothered me for a long time with EPiServer is that you, out of the box, can't have different display options for different blocks. Based on the design for your site you might want to force one block to full width and another to half width etc. You can do this with CSS but what's bothering me is that the editor is presented with an option that doesn't make any sense. So, I decided to fix it. :)
Content Area - Under the Hood, part III
This is last blog post in series under the hood of Content Area. In this blog post we will take a look at how and what exactly could be customizable while content area is being rendered. Where and how developer can hook in, what can be overridden and controlled.
Translating the EPiServer UI
Sometimes you may want to translate the EPiServer user interface to a currently unsupported language or just want to change the text of some button or whatever. If you have been working with EPiServer for a while you probably know that one way you can do this is by putting XML files in the ~/lang folder. But where the hell are the language files being used by EPiServer so you can lookup all the XPaths? I'll tell you. And because I'm so friendly I'll let you download the XML files for free.
How to use your landingpage
Online businesses today are aware of the importance of creating a Facebook site, personalization and setting up a newsletter system to drive traffic. However, not many companies take advantage of the variation of additional online opportunities such as creating a landing page. Do you?
Content Area - under the Hood, part II
This is second post in series of EPiServer Content Area feature. This time we will take a look at how render templates are selected.
Category selection for multiple sites in EPiServer enterprise solutions
This is a quick tip filed under the "Enhance the user experience for web editors" category. In an enterprise EPiServer solution with multiple sites it's a common scenario to have separate category structures for each site. This simple editor descriptor makes sure the web editor for a specific site only sees and can select the relevant categories.
Content area - under the hood part I
Lately I was visiting and revisiting content area, code and functionality around this feature in EPiServer and decided to revisit it once again and take a closer look at what’s really inside. So the blog post is not about what content area is, but how it works, how responsible party for rendering and templating is selected when EPiServer needs to render this one of the most powerful content editing feature.
New version of Geta oEmbed
Another one of our popular modules has been updated to .NET 4.5 and EPiServer 8. It is still backward compatible with the old custom property and dynamic content. In the new version you'll now find a block that you can easily use as both local and shared.