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Hvorfor sover du så godt om natta?
Selger du godt på nett? Eller holder du deg unna? Er ikke konkurrentene dine bedre enn deg? Koser du deg på dine lauvbær? På tide å våkne opp. Med små grep, kan du oppnå mye. Men er du sulten nok?
New version of Geta Tags
The new version now finally supports other types of content like MediaData, BlockData and CatalogContent in addition to PageData.
Moving from EPiServer CMS to EPiServer Commerce as a Developer
Are you starting your first EPiServer Commerce project? What are the major differences between the products? What new challenges do you face in an ecommerce project vs a regular website project?
Simple URL keeper for EPiServer
Here's a little code sample that is useful for when you need to perform an automatic redirect after content is moved in EPiServer, to avoid getting a bunch of 404's.
Top 10 A/B tests maximise your product page performance
Adela Svajda is an ecommerce analyst at Geta with experience from Zalando and, and in this blog post she shares the top 10 A/B test you should do to increase your performance of the product page on your ecommerce site.
EPiServer Commerce route messing with block preview
Yesterday we discovered an issue with our block preview implementation in a project we are currently working on, running EPiServer Commerce version 8.2.1. The problem was that all blocks got previewed in the master language (english in our case). When we clicked a property the correct translation was loaded, but it was very confusing for the editors so we had to fix it.
Improved CategoryList editor descriptor for EPiServer
More than one time I have found myself in the need of a filtered category tree in EPiServer. In large sites there can be a lot of categories and sometimes you just want to force the web editors to choose from a predefined root category. What to do? Create a editor descriptor that replaces the built-in one!
Using EPiServer's content selector widget in dojo component
For the last couple of days I have been working with a custom dojo component that plugs into the assets panel. I needed a way to select a page from the content tree and had no idea how to do it so I started to dig around in the large and deep structure of ClientResources in the EPiServer.CMS.UI package and voilà, I found the epi-cms/widget/ContentSelector. Let's use it!