
Välkommen till vår blogg. Här delar vi med oss ​​av vår specialistkunskap och våra erfarenheter kring e-handelslösningar. Vi bloggar om handel, tech, trender, strategi, marknadsföring, UX, nyheter och mycket annat.  

Episerver Commerce vs Magento 2

When building a fully customized enterprise level e-commerce solution you have several platforms to choose from. Two good choices are Episerver and Magento, but how do they compare? Here is a high level look at the key differences.

Providing fallback/replacement languages in EPiServer Commerce

Sometimes the 1 to 1 language mappings of Commerce just isn't enough. There are times when you have to go beyond that, especially if you run a site that has a lot of them.

Sven-Erik Jonsson

Adjusting widget validation in EPiServer 7.19

Recently we got stuck, unable to upgrade a solution due to external dependencies. We where then forced to deal with some of the already fixed quirks in EPiServer. One of these is the 7.19 use of dojo 1.8.9, which contains a validation bug for urls.

Sven-Erik Jonsson

Ascend'15 - Episerver Find - Advanced Developer Session

In the start of November I was fortunate enough to attend the EPiServer Ascend conference which was held in Las Vegas.

Mari Jørgensen

Black Friday: Gjør et netthandelskupp på fredag

Førstkommende fredag er det «Black Friday» og med det store muligheter for å gjøre virkelige kupp i nettbutikkene. Fenomenet som startet i USA kom til Norge for 4-5 år siden. Prognoser fra Posten viser at omsetningen i årets «Black Friday» vil bli omtrent det dobbelte av i fjor og har innkallt ekstramannskaper.

Let the editor choose a rendering template for content in EPiServer

For some content types you might want to have several rendering templates, and perhaps also different logic. This blog post shows how to create two render templates for a page type together with an editor descriptor to let the editor choose one of them when creating and editing a page.

Mattias Olsson

The 2015 Episerver EMVP Summit

Following the Episerver Ascend’15 conference in Las Vegas, the 2015 Episerver EMVP Summit was held in Zion National Park in Utah. In this blog post I will give you a little peak behind the scenes, and share with you what the EMVP program is all about.

Geta in the EPiServer Inner Circle

We are happy to announce that Geta is invited to join EPiServer Inner Circle Program!