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Black Friday 2021 - en oppsummering
Black Friday er over for i år. Det har vel strengt tatt blitt mer riktig å si Black Week. Mange har jobbet mye og hardt. Varene er på vei ut, og logistikkselskapene jobber på spreng.
Avoid Lock - Pointing Two WebJobs to The Same Azure Storage Account
Recently we had a requirement to run multiple copies of our webjobs in parallel (with different settings and configuration) doing similar but different work.
New Geta.NotFoundHandler
BVN.404Handler and Geta.404Handler are re-released as Geta.NotFoundHandler. The new library supports ASP.NET 5 and Optimizely 12.
Automated product attributing by using images
Geta is inriver Partner of the Year - again!
Today we are celebrating that inriver has awarded us Partner of the Year - again! For six consecutive years we have received the award Partner of the Year - Norway.
Accept Bitcoin payments on your e-commerce store with BTCPAY Server
Semantic search with Azure Cognitive Search
Engage with users by using augmented reality inside the browser