Install multiple instances of inRiver PIM

Pål Christian Odlo 2/17/2017 6:00:00 AM

inRiver version 6.3.0 SP2

From inRiver Wiki: "From version 6.3 it is possible to have multiple inRiver servers in one system" inRiver Wiki (requires login)

For this walk-through I will use the Customer1 and Customer2 as the names on the instances installed.

First instance

Download and install inRiver PIM 

Once the installation starts, choose Advanced installation
Set server address: http://localhost:8080/
Set installation folder: C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1

Set database connectionstring

Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Customer1PIM;User ID=dbUserCustomer1PIM;Password=inriver123


Set web portal name: inRiver Web Portal Site Customer1  
Set app pool name: inRiverWebPortalAppPoolCustomer1

Run installation

Create database Customer1PIM with filestream enabled


Create login dbUserCustomer1PIM with password inriver123


Map the login to Customer1PIM database with db_owner role

Enable configurations

Rename file "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1\inRiver Server\inRiver.Server.exe.Config.Sample" to "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1\inRiver Server\inRiver.Server.exe.Config"

Rename file "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1\inRiver Connect\inRiver.integration.exe.config.Sample" to "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1\inRiver Connect\inRiver.integration.exe.config"


Change configurations

In C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1\inRiver Server\inRiver.Server.exe.Config, change the message queue names

<add key="ServerInternalLogMessageQName" value="Customer1ServerInternalLog" /> 
<add key="ConnectNotificationMessageQName" value="Customer1ConnectNotifications" /> 


In C:\Program Files\inRiver AB 3 Customer1\inRiver Connect\inRiver.integration.exe.config, change the message queue names

<setting name="ServerListenerMessageQName" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="ConnectInternalLog" serializeAs="String">


Delete services created by inRiver installation

In a command prompt with administrative privileges run the following commands

C:\>sc.exe delete InRiverConnectWindowsService6

C:\>sc.exe delete InRiverServerWindowsService6


Create services for the inRiver server and connect services

In a command prompt with administrative privileges run the following commands
C:\>sc.exe create inRiverServerServiceCustomer1 binPath= "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1\inRiver Server\inRiver.Server.exe" start= auto

C:\>sc.exe create inRiverConnectServiceCustomer1 binPath= "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1\inRiver Connect\inRiver.Integration.exe" start= auto depend= inRiverServerServiceCustomer1

C:\>sc.exe start inRiverServerServiceCustomer1


Navigate to http://localhost to verify inRiver web portal is up and running

Second instance

Copy the folder "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer1" to "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2"

Give the user IIS_IUSRS full control on the folder "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Web"


Change configurations

Open the file C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Server\inRiver.Server.exe.Config in a text editor

Change server address(use a different port than 8080)

<add key="ServerUrl" value="http://localhost:9090/" />

Change message queue names

<add key="ServerInternalLogMessageQName" value="Customer2ServerInternalLog" />
<add key="ConnectNotificationMessageQName" value="Customer2ConnectNotifications" />

Change IntegrationRestServerUrl(use a different port than 8081)

<add key="IntegrationRestServerUrl" value="http://localhost:9091/" />

Change connectionstrings

    <add name="inriver" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Customer2PIM;User ID=dbUserCustomer2PIM;Password=inriver123"/>
    <add name="inriverResources" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Customer2PIM;User ID=dbUserCustomer2PIM;Password=inriver123"/>


Open the file C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Web\Web.config in a text editor

Change server address

<add key="ServerUrl" value="http://localhost:9090/" />

Change client endpoint

<endpoint binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IIntegrationService" contract="IntegrationServiceReference.IIntegrationService" name="WSHttpBinding_IIntegrationService" address="http://localhost:9090/IntegrationService/"/>


Open the fileC:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Rich Client\inRiver.RichClient.exe.config in a text editor

Change server address

<setting name="inRiverServer" serializeAs="String">


Open the file C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Model Tool\inRiver.PIM.ModelTool.exe.config in a text editor

Change server address

<setting name="inRiverServer" serializeAs="String">


Open the file C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Connect\inRiver.integration.exe.config in a text editor

Change server address

<setting name="inRiverServerUrl" serializeAs="String">

Change message queue names

<setting name="ServerListenerMessageQName" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="ConnectInternalLog" serializeAs="String">

Change OwinRestServerUrl 

<setting name="InternalOwinRestServerUrl" serializeAs="String">


Create database

Create database Customer2PIM with filestream enabled

Create login dbUserCustomer2PIM with password inriver123 and map the login to Customer2PIM database with db_owner role


Create website in IIS

Add website

  • Set site name: Customer2 inRiver Web Portal Site
  • Set physical path: C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Web
  • Set port: 81

Add website dialog


Create services for the inRiver server and connect services

In a command prompt with administrative privileges run the following commands

C:\>sc.exe create inRiverServerServiceCustomer2 binPath= "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Server\inRiver.Server.exe" start= auto
C:\>sc.exe create inRiverConnectServiceCustomer2 binPath= "C:\Program Files\inRiver AB Customer2\inRiver Connect\inRiver.Integration.exe" start= auto depend= inRiverServerServiceCustomer2
C:\>sc.exe start inRiverServerServiceCustomer2

Navigate to http://localhost:81 to verify inRiver web portal for Customer2 is up and running

NOTE: If you use host name on the websites, all inRiver Web Portals could run on port 80. This way it is easier to remember the url for each inRiver Web Portal

Contact us

Christian Dommarsnes

Christian Dommarsnes

Sales Manager

Christian Öman

Christian Öman

Sales Executive Sweden