Partnership with Skeidar
Skeidar is one of Norway's largest furniture retailer. In Geta they found a partner that could work closely with their internal team.
“We wanted a supplier that didn’t just do single deliveries, but a partner with a sincere wish that we would succeed. We found that partner in Geta”, says Lars Thomte, Head of E-commerce, Skeidar.
OptimizelySkeidar is one of Norway's largest furniture chains with 51 department stores across the country. Skeidar has helped Norwegians improve their homes since 1912, and today they offer a wide range of modern quality furniture and stylish interior solutions.
Skeidar’s online store was launched at the end of December 2019. Skeidar quickly saw the importance of online sales, and with that a great potential in further developing the solution. They needed a supplier who could work closely with Skeidar's internal team.
“We wanted a supplier that didn’t just do single deliveries, but a partner with a sincere wish that we would succeed. We found that partner in Geta”, says Lars Thomte, Head of E-commerce, Skeidar.
Lars tells us that they experience that Geta is proactive and helps them see new opportunities. Much of the success in the project lies in the close collaboration. We have laid out a clear and ambitious plan for further work. This plan is followed up through weekly status meetings, in addition to ongoing daily contact. Skeidar has also worked hard to increase internal expertise in its own technical systems to ensure stable operations, and has received good help from developers in Geta in this process.
Skeidar have made an active choice to build an omnichannel culture in their organization. “It is important not to just launch new systems and solutions top down. The entire organization must work as a team,” says Lars Thomte. There is a close collaboration between department stores and digital channels, and the department stores give input to improvements for the digital channels. This helps both the entire chain and the separate department stores offer better service to their customers.
Geta have implemented click and collect, and helped Skeidar consolidate stock status for central warehouse and the separate store warehouses. Thus, the customer can buy their item online, and it is ready for collection at the selected department store within 24 hours.
Prototyping of solutions
Geta uses prototyping actively in the collaboration with Skeidar. We work step by step based on our strategic roadmap, and outline all solutions in prototypes, which are actively used in the work of anchoring and developing the solutions we will build together with Skeidar.
“I am very pleased with both the processes and the speed of our collaboration. It goes extremely fast. In the course of half a year, we have set up a strategic roadmap, upgraded product pages, a new menu structure, quick search, click and collect and updated stock status across the channel. Compared with the same period last year, we have more than doubled our online sales,” says Lars Thomte.
You can visit Skeidar's webshop here.
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