Welcome to our blog. This is where we share insights on e-commerce solutions. We blog about commerce, tech, trends, strategy, marketing, UX, news and other stuff. Enjoy!
Replacing built-in email actor with custom implementation in Episerver Forms
Recently one of our customers experienced an issue with Episerver Forms and the PlaceHolderService (I know it is still in beta, but anyway). The placeholder service is used by the built in Email Actor and is responsible for replacing tokens in the subject, to address and the body of the email that is configured to be sent by the editor.
Enable Razor views in Episerver modules with Geta.EPi.ShellRazorSupport package
By default, Episerver supports only WebForms views for its modules. We have created a package which adds support for Razor views too.
Unfiltered Episerver content tree
Have you ever needed to browse an unfiltered content tree in Episerver where you can see the global assets, site assets and content assets folders? Then you can install this little package that I created.
D-Congress 2017
On March 9, Svensk Digital Handel arranged D-Congress 2017 in Gothenburg. The conference is a Nordic meeting place for digital commerce. Geta is a member of Svensk Digital Handel, and was a proud sponsor of D-Congress.
Content reference selector with direct file upload now available as package
Some time ago (in October last year to be exact) I developed an extension to the built-in content selector with support for direct upload.
Why is user experience design important?
Why is the user experience so important, and why should your e-commerce store allocate time to focus on this design process?
Introducing Geta.EpiCategories: Categories as localizable IContent
For quite a long time I've been wondering if Episerver is going to do anything about the built-in category functionality. I feel it's pretty outdated and it's not so convenient to edit and localize categories. I guess the teams at Episerver are busy with other, more important stuff, so I decided to create a module. Say hello to Geta.EpiCategories.
Summary of my blog posts
During my journey at Geta I have created seven different blog posts and one thing they all have in common is that they all focus on strategy. Here is a summary of them all with a direct link into each of the singular blog post.