
Welcome to our blog. This is where we share insights on e-commerce solutions. We blog about commerce, tech, trends, strategy, marketing, UX, news and other stuff. Enjoy!

Design of new business models

  • Design

  • E-commerce

  • Innovation

In this era of fast evolving business models, the introduction of innovative shopping options like Click & Collect, subscriptions and rental services has revolutionized the way we build our webshops. However, designing seamless experiences for these new models can be challenging. This post explores a few aspects of the complexities of integrating new business models into e-commerce websites, highlighting the importance of strategic planning, careful design, and a flexible approach to meet changing priorities.

Claire Sharp Sundt

The current state of AI image generation (early 2025)

  • Design

  • Experimentation

  • Innovation

Ok, it is time for an update. I know it has been a while since the last time I wrote about experimenting with generative AI, hope this post makes up for it.

Sven-Erik Jonsson

Valdis going OMVP Platinum!

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • Innovation

  • Partner

Geta superstar Valdis Iljuconoks can be proud of many awards 🏅 and recently he has been awarded with one more very special nomination - The Optimizely Most Valuable Professional (Optimizely MVP) reaching the highest PLATINUM level.

Valdis Iljuconoks

Geta partners with Occtoo to fuel digital commerce solutions

  • E-commerce

  • Innovation

  • Partner

Geta and Occtoo have joined forces in a strategic partnership aimed at harnessing their individual strengths to deliver exceptional digital commerce solutions to their shared clientele. Together, Occtoo and Geta are poised to revolutionize the digital commerce landscape.

Saltdalshytta Cabin Configurator

  • Development

  • Design

  • Innovation

Working together with our innovative client Saltdalshytta, we embarked on the ambitious journey of transforming an idea of a cabin configurator into a fully-functioning reality.

Tómas Rekstad

IndexNow - Sustainable Search Engine Indexing

  • SEO

  • Experimentation

  • Innovation

  • Marketing

IndexNow is a way of informing search engines that an URL and the content on the page have either been added, removed, or simply updated, letting the search engine know immediately when you have updated your web pages.

Johan Schage

Automated product attributing by using images

  • Innovation

Brian Weeteling

Accept Bitcoin payments on your e-commerce store with BTCPAY Server

  • Innovation

Patrick van Kleef